
You wake up in the morning full of excitement for the day, like a 7 year old on his birthday. Your looking forward to the day cause you know everything is working out in your favor.


everything in your life is ok or even good

but you still feel like something is missing.

Yes, sometimes you’re running

and it feels like there is never enough time

for the beautiful, adventurous experiences you want to have.

You know another person would be so happy

to have your life and still you can’t feel the joy

you imagined you would reaching this point of your


You’re functioning like a machine

but if you’re honest somewhere deep inside

is a thirst to really live the adventure of life

how you’ve pictured it in your head

the last time you allowed yourself to dream.

How We Support You To Make Your Life Fulfilled


To make sure we deliver the best quality and for each client the desired transformation we work just with chosen clients 1 on 1 and in exclusive small groups.


Interative formula created through scientific and research work during the last three years to individualize your fulfillment and your path thereto.

How does Evolvidas differ from traditional life coaching?

Unlike life coaching, which often focuses on solving specific problems, Evolvidas is about proactively constructing a life of joy, meaning, and love. Our program is holistic, addressing all life aspects and their interdependencies, guiding clients to elevate their lives to new standards over six months through the Life Strategy Formula developed by Ola Aleksandra Pajonk.

What is the life strategy formula?

The life strategy formula is a comprehensive approach to transform your current state into your dream life. It's about waking up each morning excited for the day ahead, with a life filled with joy, meaning, and love, not just solving individual problems.


We look at your life as one whole and how everything is connected- with small tweaks often big life quality jumps are done!

How it looks like when working with us:

The Founder

Ola Aleksandra Pajonk

Ola is the founder of Evolvidas.

While studying her master's degree in Strategic and International Management she realized that while for successful businesses there are always strategies, there are no strategies for a happy and successful life.

As a consequence she dedicated her master thesis to this topic. Through research interviews with the 1% top earners in Germany she developed the Life Strategy Formula to support people to create their individual dream life.

She used that process for herself and made her dream life come true:

- she lives at the beach in Cadiz - Spain,

- in her free time she dances Bachata, learns surfing, does horseriding, plays volleyball

- travels every couple weeks to meet with family and friends

... and many more dreams are to come true.

Most of all she's supporting successful people to create their individual version of a life full of joy, meaning and love.

EVOLVIDAS was founded to spread the mission because Ola's belief is that happy people are better people.


How does Evolvidas differ from traditional life coaching?

Unlike life coaching, which often focuses on solving specific problems, Evolvidas is about proactively constructing a life of joy, meaning, and love. Our program is holistic, addressing all life aspects and their interdependencies, guiding clients to elevate their lives to new standards over six months through the Life Strategy Formula developed by Ola Aleksandra Pajonk.

What is the life strategy formula?

The life strategy formula is a comprehensive approach to transform your current state into your dream life. It's about waking up each morning excited for the day ahead, with a life filled with joy, meaning, and love, not just solving individual problems.

We support you to create your dream life

in all areas of life:


Focus on physical health, mental health, and emotional balance. This includes nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mindfulness practices.


Align your professional journey with your deepest values and ambitions. Whether it's achieving career growth, finding job satisfaction, or mastering work-life balance, we pave the way for your success and fulfillment.


Secure your financial future with smart, strategic planning. From budgeting to wealth building, we help you gain control, ensuring your finances support your dreams and lifestyle.


Deepen and enrich your connections with family, friends, and partners. Improve communication, strengthen bonds, and build a supportive community that uplifts and inspires you.


Continue your journey of growth with new skills, hobbies, and self-discovery. We guide you to explore your potential, enhancing self-awareness and boosting confidence.


Find the perfect balance between productivity and play. We help you incorporate leisure, relaxation, and hobbies that rejuvenate your spirit and enhance life satisfaction.


Explore and nurture your spiritual path, whether through meditation, religion, or personal reflection. Find deeper meaning and inner peace that resonates with your soul.


Create a nurturing and inspiring living space. From optimizing your home environment to ensuring your workspace boosts productivity, we transform your surroundings to support your wellbeing and success.

About Ola

Childhood: Finding Joy in the Everyday
From a young age, I noticed something magical: some people seemed to glide through life, their days filled with laughter, whether they were strolling through nature or tackling mundane tasks like cleaning. This observation sparked a burning question in my young mind: Why do some find joy so effortlessly while others struggle? Determined to uncover this secret, I transformed even the simplest chores into celebrations, turning room cleaning into a dance party and study sessions into rhythm-filled adventures. This was my first step in choosing happiness, a theme that has defined my entire journey.

Teenage Years: Turning Challenges into Adventures

At 14, a family trip took an unexpected turn when our car broke down on the way to Poland. While my parents fretted, I saw an adventure unfold. This breakdown led to our first family hotel stay, transforming what could have been a stressful night into one of my most cherished childhood memories. This experience taught me the power of perspective and the joy of turning life's surprises into positive, unforgettable moments.

Early Twenties: Leadership with a Twist of Fun & Making Dreams Reality

In my early career, whether as a waitress, tutor, or hotel staff, I infused every role with positivity and creativity. A memorable moment was when I turned a routine hotel cleanup into a lively dance party, lifting the spirits of my team and transforming mundane tasks into moments of connection and joy. This not only enhanced our work environment but also showed me the impact of leading with lightness and a focus on happiness.

Global Exploration and Cultural Insights

My wanderlust led me to Mexico for a semester abroad, where a spontaneous decision to stay with a local Maya family expanded my horizons. Living in their simple home, I learned about resilience, simplicity, and the profound happiness found in community and tradition. This experience deepened my appreciation for diverse lifestyles and the universal quest for fulfillment.

The Birth of the Life Strategy Formula & Transformations

During my master's in strategic and international management, I had a revelation: If businesses succeed through strategy, why not apply this to personal happiness? This epiphany, combined with the challenges of COVID-19 and a personal low from a breakup, led to the creation of the Life Strategy Formula. I tested this approach on myself, transforming from a dark apartment in a shared living situation to a dream life in Spain, complete with beach views, dance, and a vibrant social circle. This transformation wasn't just personal; it became the foundation of my mission to guide others.

Professional Success and Client Transformations

The effectiveness of the Life Strategy Formula was soon evident in my clients' lives. From significant improvements in happiness within weeks to life-changing career successes, such as doubling income, the results spoke volumes. This success fuels my passion for guiding others, reinforcing my belief that happy people create a better world.